Family Involvement

At Garden Grove we place heavy emphasis on parent involvement and communication (including communication throughout each day about children’s basic needs AND socio-emotional state) as well as building relationships with parents.  This comes from our founder’s work with children who have been abused and neglected and is central to our philosophy. We have parent-teacher conferences twice a year, as well as the below opportunities to participate in school activities:

  • Monthly Family Projects

    From seasonal projects like pumpkin decorating and gingerbread house contests and turkeys in disguise, to our school family tree and tradition quilt, our school-wide projects help bring families together outside of school. The children love seeing their family’s work on display, and showing their friends what they did!

  • In-school Volunteering

    There are many opportunities for families to come in to volunteer in their children’s classroom, including helping with class parties, reading to the class, and sharing their career.

  • Events to Attend

    There is always something going on at Garden Grove! We love inviting families to campus to participate in special events, including our annual Halloween parade, Mother’s Day Tea, Father’s Day picnic, and graduation ceremony. The children always have something prepared to share, whether it is singing songs, reciting poems, or sharing their artwork!