School Year Programs

Garden Grove is a school first, and childcare second. In light of this, our school runs on a regular school day schedule to prepare children (and their families!) for big kid school; each full-day classroom’s day includes a daily nap/rest time according to age group.  Highly trained and experienced teachers assist your child to explore and discover the world around them, learn academic skills through play and projects, practice their social skills with their classmates, and help them develop a positive, confident sense of self and love of learning. We welcome children age 18 mos-6 years during the school year (children up to age 8 during the summer months for summer camp).

Our school day runs 8:30AM to 3:00 PM (drop off begins at 7am, and pickup is from 3:00-3:30; aftercare until 5:30pm is available). There are a variety of enrollment options, full and part time, full and half day.  Please call or schedule a tour for more information about current schedule offerings, openings, and pricing!

  • Butterflies


  • Sprouts

    Junior Preschool

  • Seedlings


  • Blossoms

    Pre-K /Year to Grow

Extended School Day (After Care)

Currently offered exclusively to enrolled Garden Grove students

Garden Grove operates on a conventional school schedule.  If your child needs care beyond our regular school day, our extended day program is available  from 3:30-5:30.  Please contact the office for more information about rates and availability.

Grow With Me

For children 18-36 mos and their caregiver

A class where you and your child can learn, play, and socialize with other children and their caregivers.  Each week has a unique theme which includes music & movement, arts & crafts, snack time, story time, and free play.  A great way to preview what preschool will be like! Each session runs 6-8 weeks.  Our fall session dates will be released soon—follow us on social media for the most up to date information! Contact us to register!